In response to the surging global demand for medicinal products, the herbal indus-try faces significant challenges in ensuring the quality of herbal formulations. Regulatory bod-ies, actively set wanted acceptance limits to different parameters and tries to uphold quality standards. However, the complexities of herbal manufacturing, characterized by batch-to-batch variations and heavy metal residues, pose formidable obstacles. This article also focuses on Ocimum sanctum as a model plant, revealing its cultural, medicinal, ecological, and eco-nomic significance in brief. The primary objective of this work is to consolidate diverse quali-ty standards prescribed by different regulatory agencies and to create an empowering resource for farmers to adhere to regulatory parameters for cultivating quality produce. The research employs detailed evaluations, covering macroscopic, microscopic, physicochemical, and tox-icity assessments to address the challenges encountered by stakeholders in herbal sector. The study emphasizes the in depth research of verify regulatory standards set by entities such as the Indian Pharmacopoeia, Ayurvedic Indian Pharmacopoeia, Food Safety and Standards Au-thority of India and World Health Organization to ensure the quality and safety of medicinal products. It underscores the difficulties in maintaining consistent quality with herbal products, including batch variations and exceeding permissible limits of contaminants etc. Despite regu-latory efforts, the scattered nature of data necessitates assimilation for effective quality con-trol. Focused on the model plant Ocimum sanctum, the research highlights the imperatives for farmers to adhere to regulatory parameters from inception of cultivation. Additionally, it seeks to consolidate information aiming to bridge the knowledge gap and empower farmers for qual-ity cultivation. In conclusion, the research emphasizes collaborative efforts among regulatory bodies, scientific research, and the agricultural sector to sustain consistent quality standards in the herbal industry and present a comprehensive compilation of quality standards of Ocimum sanctum as a model herb for further commercial exploration in simplified manner.
Keywords: Cultivation, Herbs, Medicinal plants, Tulsi, Ocimum sanctum, Quality cultivation, Quality Control, Standardiza-tion.