Aim: To evaluate the suitability of commercially available glucometers in the UAE in terms of accurate and reliable blood glucose measurements.
Background: Portable glucometers are employed for measuring blood glucose levels, offering distinct advantages such as providing instant results and being user-friendly when compared to laboratory reference analyzers. However, certain molecules, such as those found in medications, can interfere with the accuracy of glucometer readings.
Objective: To evaluate the precision and interference in the presence of maltose and vitamin C of three glucometers commercially available in the UAE.
Methods: We utilized plasma samples to conduct two types of experiments: a precision experiment and an interference experiment. We compared the precision of three glucometer brands available in the United Arab Emirates [Accu-Chek InstantTM, One Touch Select Plus FlexTM, and Trister GlucoScanTM] in the presence or not of various interfering molecules, such as Maltose and Ascorbic Acid (Vitamin C).
Results: Accu-Chek InstantTM demonstrated the highest precision among the glucometers tested, with a coefficient of variation of less than 5% for all measured glucose values. In contrast, OneTouch Select Plus FlexTM and Trister GlucoscanTM exhibited higher variability in precision, with coefficients of variation of 11.4% and 11%, respectively. Accu-Chek InstantTM consistently performed well in terms of bias and precision in the presence of interferences, and does not display glucose readings above 50mg/dL of Vitamin C. Notably, Ascorbic acid induced a greater bias compared to Maltose for all three glucometers.
Conclusion: The performance of the glucometer is affected by its testing methodology. Accu-Chek InstantTM shows improved precision and is able to detect the presence of Vitamin C. When it comes to Maltose interference, it results in a higher bias change but lower variability, which can be addressed by applying a correction factor.
Keywords: Accuracy, Precision, Glucometers, Interference, United Arab Emirates, Maltose, Ascorbic Acid.