Background: During cardiac or pulmonary rehabilitation exercises, the use of a surgical mask may not be well tolerated by patients, especially those experiencing dyspnea during certain activities due to their underlying health conditions. The purpose of this study was to describe the influence of a surgical mask on exertion perception and some physiological parameters during an incremental test in healthy subjects.
Methods: A descriptive study involving 16 healthy adult individuals was conducted. The BRUCE incremental protocol was performed twice, with and without the use of a surgical mask.
Results: No significant changes were found in vital signs, such as heart rate (p: 0.8684), mean arterial pressure (p: 0.2781), and peripheral oxygen saturation (p: 0.5314). However, the respiratory rate showed a significant difference (p: 0.023). Furthermore, significant differences were observed in the distance covered (p: 0.0005), duration (p: 0.0003), and measured intensity (METs) (p: 0.0117). Metabolic acidosis (p: 0.032), hypocapnia (p: 0.238), and hyperlactatemia (p: 0.024) were detected in the analysis of arterial gases. Oxygenation parameters, such as PaO2 (p: 0.038) and PaO2/FiO2 ratio (p: 0.038), were higher in the mask-off trial.
Conclusion: Surgical masks induce negative changes in METs, distance covered, and duration during an incremental treadmill test. Although no significant impact on vital signs was observed, the use of a surgical mask resulted in statistically significant but not clinically relevant decreases in oxygenation parameters. The stages of the Bruce protocol were achieved differently when participants wore a surgical mask.
Keywords: Surgical mask, perception of effort, exercise, rehabilitation, exercise tolerance, dyspnea.