Introduction: The growing elderly population in Indonesia presents challenges for the healthcare system, prompting the exploration of telemedicine as a solution. However, its effective implementation in Indonesia faces obstacles.
Method: This research aimed to develop a comprehensive geriatric telemedicine framework in Padang City by studying multiple stakeholders. We employed qualitative methods, including in- -depth interviews, across two hospitals, a Health Office, and a Community Health Center, involving 18 elderly participants.
Result: The study identified ten key dimensions for geriatric telemedicine services: technology, Human-Computer Interface (HCI), infrastructure, system workflow, clinical content, people (diverse roles), organization (ecosystem, service workflow, internal and external regulations), and financing (social security agency on health and independent). We used the Human-Organization- Technology Fit and Sociotechnical System approaches for analysis.
Conclusion: The study suggests implications for future implementation and advocates for broader participant involvement, information technology (IT) studies for system development, and longitudinal evaluations to assess the impact on elderly health outcomes.
Keywords: Telemedicine, geriatrics, hospital, needs, grounded theory, aging, health service.