Introduction: The purpose of this study is to compare the loneliness, psychological well-
being, depression, and social participation of elderly people living in Turkish society between rural
and urban areas. The sample group of the study, in which a correlational survey model was
used, consisted of 610 elderly adults.
Method: The study population consists of two groups: the first group consists of individuals over
65 years of age living in the city (Istanbul) (n= 291), and the second group consists of individuals
over 65 years of age living in rural areas (rural areas of Ordu) (n= 319). Socio-demographic Information
Form, Loneliness in the Elderly Scale, Geriatric Depression Scale, Psychological Well-Being
in the Elderly Scale, and Social Inclusion Scale were applied online. Statistical analyses of the
study were conducted using SPSS 27.00, and the Independent Samples t-test and ANOVA test
were used.
Results: According to the findings of this study, statistically significant results were found in psychological
well-being, social inclusion, social relations, loneliness and depression, and place of
residence. It was observed that the social isolation and social acceptance levels of those living in
urban areas were higher than those living in rural areas. Social, loneliness, and depression scores
of those living in the village/town were found to be higher than those living in the city centre. Furthermore,
the social relationship scores of those living in the village/town were found to be higher
than those living in the city centre.
Conclusion: The increasing elderly population worldwide has become an issue that requires global
measures. Place of residence is one of the factors thought to affect older people's health and well-
being. It is thought that the study data will contribute to new policies that will ensure the protection
and promotion of elderly health and those working in this field. In addition, the study, which
provides information about Turkish culture, will also enable intercultural comparisons.
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