Recent Patents on Mechanical Engineering

Author(s): Bing Zhang*, Michael Enyan, Rao Junsen, Zhang Xinxing and Liu Hongyu

DOI: 10.2174/0122127976288436240221060807

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Position Control of Electro-hydraulic Servo System Based on Repetitive Control Strategy

Page: [260 - 280] Pages: 21

  • * (Excluding Mailing and Handling)


Background: When performing repetitive work in an electro-hydraulic servo system, the expected tracking signals are often periodic signals, such as trigonometric functions. For this kind of electro-hydraulic servo system, repetitive control is one of the most ideal control strategies.

Objective: The objective of this patent technology is to improve the position-tracking performance of the electro-hydraulic servo system and minimize tracking errors by designing and implementing a repetitive control strategy.

Methods: The study models an electro-hydraulic servo system, designs a stabilizing controller, and develops a plug-in repetitive controller to enhance EHSS tracking. The regeneration spectrum is used as a stability criterion, and performance is evaluated using statistical metrics like Mean Square Error (MSE), Root Mean Square Error (RMSE), and standard deviation of the tracking error along with tracking performance and steady-state error.

Results: The developed controller, validated through simulation analysis and real-time experiments, significantly reduces tracking error and enhances system position tracking accuracy, demonstrating its effectiveness. For instance, the repetitive control strategy outperforms PID and backstepping controllers at 30 mm with 0.5 Hz, achieving an error of 0.2 with an RMSE of 0.0924 and σ of 0.0878. Similar trends are observed at various test conditions, highlighting the consistent and robust performance of the designed repetitive controller. Additionally, the designed repetitive controller demonstrates an average improvement of 75.175% and 62.97% compared to the proportional- integral-derivative and backstepping controllers, respectively.

Conclusion: The designed controller provides technical support for position control of the electrohydraulic servo system, achieves position control requirements, and significantly improves positioning accuracy and response.

Keywords: Electro-hydraulic servo system, position control, repetitive controller, internal model principle, real-time control, hydraulic power.

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