The impact of the pandemic has shed light on the roles of nursing worldwide, as nurses who served in the frontline were affected severely and significantly at the start of the COVID-19 pandemic. Most nurses bravely and courageously faced dangers, even death, to help patients confined in various healthcare facilities. Eventually, the nursing profession emerged victorious after the healthcare system worldwide was brought to its knees, almost collapsing the entire healthcare system in some countries, especially in Europe. As a part of countermeasures, all schools were forced to close and reinvent themselves in educating students using the available technologies, internet, occasional volunteer exposure, and work in government hospitals. The RAK College of Nursing (RAKCON) followed its actual schedule using all the university's resources, including online examinations, Zoom, and Google Meet. At first, it looked like the quality of education, especially at the graduate level, was compromised. Still, the students eventually became creative as they would do online research, meetings, and advising. The thesis was conducted online for at least two consecutive years, i.e., 2020 and 2021. Yet, it does not show that the quality of the thesis output by the students is inferior. They improved as students were obliged to keep track of the subject matter they chose to work on. As technology advances, the college is adjusting and looking for opportunities everywhere, like expanding markets outside the UAE, improving alumni involvement and support, and its plan to initiate and open doctoral nursing programs. RAKCON continuously believes that it can help develop innovation in the nursing and midwifery practice in the country as it hopes to produce one nurse in every Emirati family.
Keywords: Advanced nursing education, Nursing challenges, Nursing opportunities, Public health nursing, Graduate nursing education, Midwifery.