After the COVID-19 pandemic, the world has been vulnerable due to another virus called monkeypox. Monkeypox is a very uncommon zoonotic infectious condition that occurs in both human and non-human primates with similar clinical characteristics as smallpox along with remarkable epidemic potential because of the increasing existence of human outbursts in recent scenarios. The increasing number of cases of this virus is developing curiosity among the people, hence scientists are aiming to become aware of various pathological characteristics and management of this virus before it becomes an epidemic. Currently, the monkeypox outbreak is a trending headline and has increased as an alarming tone after continuous upcoming cases. Previous studies revealed that the first human suspected case was found on September 1, 1970, when a 9-month-old baby was admitted to the Basankusu Hospital in the Democratic Republic of Congo. It is hard to distinguish monkeypox from the smallpox virus therefore, laboratory testing is the technique of disease identification and monitoring. Various new approaches and vaccines are being positioned for the prevention and clinical management of monkeypox through the entanglement of metallic and organic nanocarriers. However, more researchers suggested that virology and ecology of the virus in endemic areas is essential to recognize and avoid further worldwide occurrence of this virus. On behalf of an exhaustive literature survey, We are providing a rationalizing overview of monkeypox in the context of its present global outbreak, as well as its symptoms, prevention, treatment, assessment, and clinical studies.