Introduction: Drug development is a challenging and costly process, yet it plays a crucial role in
improving healthcare outcomes. Drug development requires extensive research and testing to meet the demands
for economic efficiency, cures, and pain relief.
Methods: Drug development is a vital research area that necessitates innovation and collaboration to achieve
significant breakthroughs. Computer-aided drug design provides a promising avenue for drug discovery and
development by reducing costs and improving the efficiency of drug design and testing.
Results: In this study, a novel model, namely LSTM-SAGDTA, capable of accurately predicting drug-target
binding affinity, was developed. We employed SeqVec for characterizing the protein and utilized the graph
neural networks to capture information on drug molecules. By introducing self-attentive graph pooling, the
model achieved greater accuracy and efficiency in predicting drug-target binding affinity.
Conclusion: Moreover, LSTM-SAGDTA obtained superior accuracy over current state-of-the-art methods
only by using less training time. The results of experiments suggest that this method represents a highprecision
solution for the DTA predictor.
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