A review and analysis of digital image restoration are provided in this work. The goal of image restoration is to enhance the quality of an image by understanding the physical process that created it. The purpose of picture restoration is to cover up or correct flaws that lower an image's quality. Motion blur, noise, and difficulty focusing the camera are just a few examples of how degradation can manifest itself. When there is motion blur, for example, it is possible to "undo" the blurring function and return the image to its previous state. The best course of action when noise distorts an image is to fix the damage it causes. In contrast to image enhancement, which focuses more on highlighting or extracting picture features than on restoring degradations, image restoration restores degraded images. While the mathematical representation of enhancement criteria is challenging, image restoration difficulties may be properly quantified. Restoration of images began in the 1950s. Application areas for image restoration include consumer photography, legal investigations, filmmaking and rivalries, image and video decoding, and scientific research. Image reconstruction in radio astronomy, radar imaging, and tomography is the principal area of use. This study proposal explores various image restoration methods and discusses the value of image restoration techniques.
Keywords: Digital image, image restoration, noise, de-fogging, de-blurring, Image quality parameters.