Background: Facial electromyography (fEMG) records muscular activities from the facial
muscles, which provides details regarding facial muscle stimulation patterns in experimentation.
Objectives: The Principal Component Analysis (PCA) is mostly implemented, whereas the actual or
unprocessed initial fEMG data are rendered into low-spatial units with minimizing the level of data
Methods: Facial EMG signal was acquired by using the instrument BIOPAC MP150. Four electrodes
were fixed on the face of each participant for capturing the four different emotions like happiness,
anger, sad and fear. Two electrodes were placed on arm for grounding purposes.
Results: The aim of this research paper is to propagate the functioning of PCA in synchrony with the
subjective fEMG analysis and to give a thorough apprehension of the advanced PCA in the areas of
machine learning. It describes its arithmetical characteristics, while PCA is estimated by implying the
covariance matrix. Datasets which are larger in size are progressively universal and their interpretation
often becomes complex or tough. So, it is necessary to minimize the number of variables and
elucidate linear compositions of the data to explicate it on a huge number of variables with a relevant
approach. Therefore, Principal Component Analysis (PCA) is applied because it is an unsupervised
training method that utilizes advanced statistical concept to minimize the dimensionality of huge datasets.
Conclusion: This work is furthermore inclined toward the analysis of fEMG signals acquired for four
different facial expressions using Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) to provide clarity on the variation
of features.
Facial EMG, features, principal component analysis, ANOVA, analysis, data recording.
Graphical Abstract
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