Introduction: The aim of this study is to determine the acoustic parameters
of polymer dextran with urea. Recent years have seen an increase in the use of ultrasonic
research to describe the physiochemical and thermodynamic characteristics of
liquid solutions at various temperatures and frequencies. The size of the pure component
and the mixtures had an impact on various interactions, molecular mobility, and
kinds of interaction. Which were studied using the acoustical and thermodynamic
characteristics? To ascertain how the solvent urea interacts with the solute dextran at
the molecular level.
Materials and Methods: Dextran (molecular weight of 70000) with 6(M)urea has
been used. The solution's density using a pycnometer, viscosity using an Ostwald viscometer,
and ultrasonic velocity using an ultrasonic interferometer has been examined.
Results: The physical properties of the medium are affected by the transmission of
ultrasonic waves, which also teaches us about the physics of liquids and solutions.
Understanding the interactions between the solutes and the solvent in the solution of
dextran and urea, both the evaluated parameters has been used, such as free volume,
internal pressure, absorption coefficient, Rao's constant, and Wada's constant, as well
as the observed values, such as ultrasonic velocity, density, and viscosity.
Conclusion: Based on the modification of these parameters with varied temperature
and frequency, molecular mobility, different types of intermolecular interaction, and
the strength of the bond between the solute (dextran 0.5%) and solvent (6(M) urea) are
investigated. The findings have been explained in terms of a structural reorganisation
in the aqueous dextran solution. At all the temperatures used for the investigation, the
solute-solvent interactions are more significant. The change in the acoustic properties
is small because the frequency variation causes the molecules to move swiftly and
have little chance to interact. Investigating molecular interactions, including electrostriction,
acceptor-donor association, dipole-dipole association, and hydrogen bonding,
has used these properties. Understanding molecular interactions helps one to
comprehend the core issues surrounding the mechanisms of chemical and biological
catalysis and the routes of chemical reactions.
Frequency, density, viscosity, ultrasonic velocity, ultrasonic techniques, molecular mobility.
Graphical Abstract
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