Background: Data authentication is vital nowadays, as the development of the internet and its applications allow users to have all-time data availability, attracting attention towards security and privacy and leading to authenticating legitimate users.
Methods: We have diversified means to gain access to our accounts, like passwords, biometrics, and smartcards, even by merging two or more techniques or various factors of authentication. This paper presents a systematic literature review of papers published from 2010 to 2022 and gives an overview of all authentication techniques available in the market.
Results: Our study provides a comprehensive overview of all three authentication techniques with all performance metrics (Accuracy, Equal Error Rate (EER), False Acceptance Rate (FAR)), security, privacy, memory requirements, and usability (Acceptability by user)) that will help one choose a perfect authentication technique for an application.
Conclusion: In addition, the study also explores the performance of multimodal and multifactor authentication and the application areas of authentication.
Keywords: Authentication system, knowledge-based, biometric-based, possession-based, multimodal authentication, lightweight cryptography.