Recent Advances in Computer Science and Communications

Author(s): Shubham Pandey and Archana Patel*

DOI: 10.2174/0126662558264263231127062519

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Leveraging ChatGPT in Law Enforcement

Article ID: e081223224323 Pages: 9

  • * (Excluding Mailing and Handling)


The advent of powerful tools like ChatGPT has opened up exciting new possibilities for augmenting law enforcement capabilities, elevating its efficiency and expanding its capacity. The AI-driven capabilities of ChatGPT can be harnessed to usher in novel applications in diverse areas such as language translation, customer service, content generation, and even law enforcement. In the realm of law enforcement, ChatGPT's potential is boundless, ranging from the generation of detailed reports and the transcription and translation of vital documents to the profiling of criminals and the automation of legal documents. However, the deployment of such technology in law enforcement raises critical issues of privacy, safeguarding fundamental rights, and the perpetuation of societal biases. Furthermore, the deployment of emerging technologies like ChatGPT could also open up new avenues for committing cybercrimes. Therefore, it is crucial to address these issues and establish regulatory frameworks that govern the use of such advanced technologies. In this paper, we provide legal and technical recommendations to regulate the use of ChatGPT and mitigate the potential risks associated with its usage, including the perpetration of various cybercrimes.

Keywords: Law enforcement, emerging technology, ChatGPT, artificial intelligence, cyber-crimes, information technology.

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