Current Indian Science

Author(s): Deepak Kumar, Sagarika Majhi* and Meenakshi Sharma

DOI: 10.2174/012210299X256032231127060853

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A Review on Psoriasis Pathophysiology, Clinical Appearance, and Pharmacotherapeutic Interventions

Article ID: e2210299X256032 Pages: 21

  • * (Excluding Mailing and Handling)


A chronic skin condition called psoriasis can manifest as plaque, flexural, guttate, pustular, and erythrodermic lesions, among other clinical symptoms. Sixty million people are believed to be affected by psoriasis worldwide. In India, the frequency ranges from 0.44 to 2.8%, with males affected two times more frequently than females in their third or fourth decade of life. An immune-mediated inflammation condition with a sizable genetic component is psoriasis. Due to its connection to psoriatic arthritis and the increased prevalence of cardiometabolic, hepatic, and psychiatric problems, a thorough and interdisciplinary strategy for treatment is required. Corticosteroids and analogs of vitamin D are examples of topical treatments for psoriasis. Phototherapy includes NB-UVB, psoralen, and ultraviolet radiation (PUVA). Standard systemic treatments include methotrexate, acitretin, and ciclosporin. This disease is useful for physicians and scientists since it might be used as a model for research into the underlying causes of chronic inflammation. It is also crucial for clinical trial scientists as a first-choice disease indication for preliminary research of new pathogenesis-based treatment approaches. This review covers both the therapeutic choices that have resulted from the analysis of the aggressive psoriatic pathways and the processes involved in the onset and progression of the disease. We start by writing regarding the important cell kinds and inflammatory mechanisms that initiate and maintain psoriatic inflammation. Next, we discuss how skin flora interacts with heredity, related epigenetic processes, and the pathogenesis of psoriasis. Finally, we provide a thorough analysis of recently targeted medications as well as well-known, extensively used treatments.

Keywords: Psoriasis, Inflammation, Chronic skin disease, Skin disorder, Phytotherapy, Treatments.

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