Background: A large number of on-orbit docking dynamics experiments are conducted in the spacecraft docking motion simulation system with the development of Chinese space science and technology, and therefore, the requirement for high-precision parallel robots has increased. The pose accuracy of parallel robots is one of the most important problems in this application.
Objective: In order to evaluate the pose accuracy of parallel robots in advance, a comprehensive pose accuracy analysis method considering major error sources is presented in this paper, and the influence of major error sources on the pose accuracy is also investigated to summarize the statistics and propagation characteristics of the pose error.
Methods: The first-order error model for the parallel robot is established based on a generalized error model for each hydraulic cylinder and a sensitivity analysis method. Using the error model, a statistical approach to the parallel robot pose accuracy analysis is presented, and the influence of different parameter errors and different poses on the pose accuracy of the parallel robot is investigated. Sensitivity analysis is applied to evaluate the contribution of each parameter error to the position and orientation error of the parallel robot. An automated pose accuracy analysis program that computes and graphically displays the position and orientation error distributions and the sensitivity analysis results is developed.
Results: The statistical analysis results of the influence of different parameter errors and different poses on pose accuracy are obtained by using the automated pose accuracy analysis program. The means of the position and orientation errors are close to zero. The standard deviations in the x and y directions are larger than those in the direction, and these standard deviations are amplified with the increase of the parameter errors. For the given elevation, sensitivity analysis to various parameter errors is performed. It is found that the length error sensitivities of the hydraulic cylinders are less than one, and position error sensitivities of the hook joints A4, A5, and A6 are much greater than those of hook joints A1, A2, and A3.
Conclusion: The elemental error sources belong to one of two groups, i.e., those affecting the hydraulic cylinder length and those affecting the hook joints. The distributions of the position and orientation errors are consistent with statistics theories. The parallel robot is more sensitive to the errors affecting the hook joints than those affecting the hydraulic cylinder length. These will help the designers and users of the parallel robot understand the statistics and propagation characteristics of the pose error. Some recent patents on error modeling and kinematic calibration of parallel robots are also discussed in this article.
Keywords: Parallel robot, accuracy analysis, error modeling, error sensitivity, error distribution, spacecraft docking, motion simulation.