Current Cosmetic Science

Author(s): Sanket R. Vakte*, Yash V. Mahajan, Neeraj B. Lohagaonkar, Ramdas T. Dolas, Abhijeet D. Kulkarni, Subodh A. Gangurde, Pravin K. Jha, Vivek V. Byahatti and Makarand S. Gambhire

DOI: 10.2174/0126667797260283231004080654

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Herbs as Hair Care Cosmetic Agents: Mini Review

Article ID: e101123223500 Pages: 8

  • * (Excluding Mailing and Handling)


Healthy hair is an important part of a beautiful body. Thus, new developments in hair science and hair care have been reported in the literature, and innovations and ideas in hair care and cosmetics are required. Hair care products are used to keep the scalp clean and moisturize the hair. Hair care products also help control hair structure and behavior, keeping hair in a controlled environment if necessary. Natural cosmetics are safer to use when compared with other synthetic products. They are hypoallergenic, dermatologist-tested and proven to be safe to use anytime, anywhere. Hair cosmetics consist of different agents such as hair oil, hair tonic, anti-dandruff, hair dye, etc. This review focuses on different types of herbs that can be used cosmetically for hair care.

Keywords: Hypoallergenic, hair oil, hair tonic, anti-dandruff, hair dye, natural cosmetics.

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