Aim: The purpose of the present study was to determine cancer patients’ attitudes toward the anti-COVID-19 vaccine.
Background: Historically, the scientific community’s responsibility was to investigate attitudes about vaccination. The course of COVID-19 in cancer patients makes them a high priority for vaccination. Cancer patients are at greater risk of serious complications and death because of COVID-19 infection.
Objective: The purpose of the present study was to determine cancer patients’ attitudes toward the anti-COVID-19 vaccine. We examined several constructs that potentially influenced cancer patients' perceptions of the vaccine: health status, knowledge of COVID-19 and vaccination, cancer patients' perceptions of vulnerability, and attitudes toward general vaccines.
Methods: We conducted a collective case study with 200 cancer patients undergoing treatment, and divided the sample into two groups: patients who “expected to heal” (Group A) and patients who “expected to chronicize” (Group B). Data were collected through a purpose-built questionnaire consisting of 22 questions and a study of medical records.
Results: Data analysis showed that both groups, Group A (M= 3.89 SD= 0.64) and Group B (M= 3.98 SD= 0.64), had a favorable attitude toward the anti-COVID-19 vaccine. This favorable attitude toward the anti-COVID-19 vaccine depended on several factors: perception of vulnerability to COVID-19, perception of the severity of their oncological situation, and communication with oncologists.
Conclusion: Our study highlighted the plurality of factors that influence attitudes toward the anti-COVID-19 vaccine. It is therefore of fundamental importance to increase the use of the shared decision-making approach (SDM) to guide the patient to an informed choice.
Keywords: Anti-COVID-19 vaccine, collective case study, cancer, oncological patients, attitudes, shared decision making.