Antibiotic or antimicrobial resistance is an urgent global public health threat that occurs when bacterial or fungal infections do not respond to the drug regimen designed to treat these infections. As a result, these microbes are not evaded and continue to grow. Antibiotic resistance against natural and already-known antibiotics like Ciprofloxacin and Novobiocin can be overcome by developing an agent that can act in different ways. The success of agents like Zodiflodacin and Zenoxacin in clinical trials against DNA gyrase inhibitors that act on different sites of DNA gyrase has resulted in further exploration of this target. However, due to the emergence of bacterial resistance against these targets, there is a great need to design agents that can overcome this resistance and act with greater efficacy. This review provides information on the synthetic and natural DNA gyrase inhibitors that have been developed recently and their promising potential for combating antimicrobial resistance. The review also presents information on molecules that are in clinical trials and their current status. It also analysed the SAR studies and mechanisms of action of enlisted agents.
Keywords: DNA gyrase, metal complexes, antimicrobials, nonfluoroquinolones, structure-activity relationship, microbes.