Recent Advances in Electrical & Electronic Engineering

Author(s): Xiaodong Zheng*, Bao guo Yu, Feng Yang and Junwei Lv

DOI: 10.2174/0123520965265547231019111330

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The Design and Implementation of a Wide-band Circularly Polarized Conformal Antenna

Page: [617 - 631] Pages: 15

  • * (Excluding Mailing and Handling)


Background: It gives out the design and verification of single-layer dual-band antenna unit and multi-layer dual-band broadband antenna unit of phased array antenna, and verifies that the multi-layer dual-band broadband antenna unit can meet the design requirements of the receiving frequency band.

Objective: It gives out the design and implementation of a wide-band circularly polarized conformal antenna, and presents the characteristics analysis of the antenna.

Methods: Through related simulation methods, the proposed methods are verified and they can effectively solve the array phase compensation and beam shaping and control in the wide-band circularly polarized conformal antenna.

Results: Based on the basic design of the antenna, the active superposition algorithm, phase compensation technology and particle swarm optimization antenna beam shaping technology are both studied.

Conclusion: The proposed wide-band circularly polarized conformal antenna can be used in the actual application.

Keywords: Broadband, circularly polarized, conformal antenna, design, implementation, simulation methods, frequency band.

Graphical Abstract

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