A brain tumor is an asymmetrical expansion by cells inevitably emulating amid them. Image processing is a vibrant research area where the
handing out of the image in the medical field is an exceedingly tricky field. In this paper, an expert algorithm is suggested for the detection of
pituitary brain tumors from MR images.
The preprocessing techniques (smoothing, edge detection, filtering) and segmentation techniques (watershed) are applied to the online data set. The
transfer learning technique is used as a classifier whose performance is measured in terms of classification accuracy. Resnet 50, Inception
V3VGG16, and VGG19 models are used as classification algorithms. The proposed model is validated using different machine learning techniques
considering hybrid features.
96% accuracy was obtained employing the Inception V3 model & 95% accuracy was attained using hybrid GLDS and GLCM features employing
Support Vector Machine algorithm while 93% was attained using Probabilistic Neural Network and k Nearest Neighbor techniques.
Computer-aided systems gave much faster and more accurate results than image processing techniques.1.0% accuracy improvement was observed
while using Inception V3 over GLDS + GLCM + SVM and 2.1% accuracy improvement using GLDS + GLCM + SVM over GLDS + GLCM +
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Bhardwaj C, Jain S, Sood M. A computational framework for diabetic retinopathy severity grading categorization using ophthalmic image processing. PhD Thesis,Jaypee University of Information Technology, Himachal Pradesh, India 2021.