Background: Healthcare professionals play an essential role in reporting adverse
drug reactions as part of pharmacovigilance activities. However, adverse drug reactions reported
by healthcare professionals remain low.
Objective: The aim of this systematic review was to investigate healthcare professionals'
knowledge, awareness, attitude, and practice on pharmacovigilance and adverse drug reaction
reporting, explore the causes of the underreporting issue, and provide improvement strategies.
Methods: This systematic review was conducted using four electronic databases for original papers,
including PubMed, Scopus, Google Scholar, and Scholar ID. Recent publications from 1st January
2012 to 31st December 2022 were selected. The following terms were used in the search: "awareness",
"knowledge", "adverse drug reaction", "pharmacovigilance", "healthcare professional", and "underreporting
factor". Articles were chosen, extracted, and reviewed by the two authors.
Results: Twenty-five studies were selected for systematic review. This review found that
24.8%–73.33% of healthcare professionals were unaware of the National Pharmacovigilance
Center. Around 20%–95.7% of healthcare professionals have a positive attitude toward
pharmacovigilance and adverse drug reaction reporting, while 12%–60.8% of healthcare
professionals have experience reporting any adverse drug reaction in their practice. The most
frequently highlighted barriers to pharmacovigilance were a lack of awareness and knowledge
regarding what, when, and to whom to report.
Conclusion: Underreporting issues require immediate attention among healthcare professionals
due to a lack of awareness and knowledge of pharmacovigilance and adverse drug reaction
reporting. Educational and training program interventions have been suggested by most studies
to address these issues.
ADR, pharmacovigilance, HCP, underreporting factors, KAAP, LOS.
Graphical Abstract
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