The monkeypox virus (MPXV), belonging to the genus Orthopoxvirus, is responsible for
causing the zoonotic illness known as Monkeypox. The virus was initially identified during an outbreak
at a Danish Zoo in 1958 and has since been found to infect various mammal species worldwide.
While African squirrels and other rodents are believed to be the primary hosts, determining the natural
host has proven challenging. While MPXV can be studied using different animal models in laboratory
settings, understanding its natural transmission routes remains complex and species-dependent. Recent
developments have elevated the global health concern surrounding Monkeypox, leading to its designation
as a Global Health Emergency of International Concern on 23 July 2022. Enhancing surveillance
and case detection is crucial in navigating the unpredictable epidemiology of this re-emerging disease.
Human infections with the monkeypox virus are becoming less frequent due to population growth and
economic improvements. Monkeypox, similar to smallpox, can potentially be controlled and eradicated
in the future through vaccines, appropriate treatment, and personal protective equipment.
Monkeypox, geographical distribution, epidemiology, transmission, clinical presentation, treatment.
Graphical Abstract
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