Over the recent years, magnetoresistive (MR) sensors in biosensing technologies have played a pivotal role in detecting and quantifying
biomarkers. The article highly focuses on the potential implications of tunneling magnetoresistance (TMR), giant magnetoresistance (GMR),
anisotropic magnetoresistance (AMR), and hybrid MR sensors over conventional prototypes. The study mainly elaborates on the sensor
characteristics and their implementation in the biomedical domain. The encompassing evaluation reveals the findings that the TMR sensors are
remarkably stable and sensitive, whereas the GMR sensors are highly robust and inexpensive, as determined by the detection level, accuracy,
sensing distance, and sensitivity. In addition, it is stated that hybrid MR sensors have lower error rates than AMR sensors utilized in the limited
research area.
Magnetoresistance sensing, Biomedical applications, TMR sensor, AMR sensor, GMR sensor, Hybrid MR sensors.
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