The objective of this study is to develop a more effective early detection system for Alzheimer's disease (AD) using a Deep Residual Network
(ResNet) model by addressing the issue of convolutional layers in conventional Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) and applying image
preprocessing techniques.
The proposed method involves using Contrast Limited Adaptive Histogram Equalizer (CLAHE) and Boosted Anisotropic Diffusion Filters
(BADF) for equalization and noise removal and K-means clustering for segmentation. A ResNet-50 model with shortcut links between three
residual layers is proposed to extract features more efficiently. ResNet-50 is preferred over other ResNet types due to its intermediate depth,
striking a balance between computational efficiency and improved performance, making it a widely adopted and effective architecture for various
computer vision tasks. While other ResNet variations may offer higher depths, they are more prone to overfitting and computational complexity,
which can hinder their practical application. The proposed method is evaluated on a dataset of MRI scans of AD patients.
The proposed method achieved high accuracy and minimum losses of 95% and 0.12, respectively. While some models showed better accuracy,
they were prone to overfitting. In contrast, the suggested framework, based on the ResNet-50 model, demonstrated superior performance in terms
of various performance metrics, providing a robust and reliable approach to Alzheimer's disease categorization.
The proposed ResNet-50 model with shortcut links between three residual layers, combined with image preprocessing techniques, provides an
effective early detection system for AD. The study demonstrates the potential of deep learning and image processing techniques in developing
accurate and efficient diagnostic tools for AD. The proposed method improves the existing approaches to AD classification and provides a
promising framework for future research in this area.
Alzheimer's disease, ResNet, CLAHE, Boosted anisotropic diffusion filter, K-means clustering, Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN).
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