Aims/Background: Twitter has rapidly become a go-to source for current events coverage.
The more people rely on it, the more important it is to provide accurate data. Twitter makes it
easy to spread misinformation, which can have a significant impact on how people feel, especially
if false information spreads around COVID-19.
Methodology: Unfortunately, twitter was also used to spread myths and misinformation about the
illness and its preventative immunization. So, it is crucial to identify false information before its
spread gets out of hand. In this research, we look into the efficacy of several different types of deep
neural networks in automatically classifying and identifying fake news content posted on social
media platforms in relation to the COVID-19 pandemic. These networks include long short-term
memory (LSTM), bi-directional LSTM, convolutional-neural-networks (CNN), and a hybrid of
CNN-LSTM networks.
Results: The "COVID-19 Fake News" dataset includes 42,280, actual and fake news cases for the
COVID-19 pandemic and associated vaccines and has been used to train and test these deep neural
Conclusion: The proposed models are executed and compared to other deep neural networks, the
CNN model was found to have the highest accuracy at 95.6%.
Fake news detection, COVID-19, deep-learning, LSTM, BiLSTM, CNN.
Graphical Abstract
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