Anti-Cancer Agents in Medicinal Chemistry

Author(s): Yuanfang Xin, Fengmei Wang, Dengfeng Ren, Fuxing Zhao and Jiuda Zhao*

DOI: 10.2174/1871520623666230821124008

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Male Breast Cancer: Three Case Reports and a Literature Review

Page: [2161 - 2169] Pages: 9

  • * (Excluding Mailing and Handling)


Introduction: Male breast cancer (MBC) accounts for 0.5%-1% of all breast cancers diagnosed worldwide. However, its biological characteristics can be distinguished from that of female breast cancer (FBC).

Case Representation: The diagnostic and treatment approaches for MBC are mainly similar to that of FBC due to the lack of male breast cancer-related studies, clinical trials, and literature. An increasing number of retrospective and prospective studies have been conducted to clarify the individualized care for MBC. Herein, we report three cases of advanced MBC to describe the diagnostic approaches, treatment process, and survival prognosis.

Conclusion: MBC patients had older age, later stage at first diagnosis, higher expression of hormone receptors, and poor prognosis. A literature review was conducted to determine the incidence, risk factors, disease features, diagnosis, treatment, survival, and management of MBC.

Keywords: Case reports, male breast cancer, risk factors, review, prognosis, diagnosis.

Graphical Abstract

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