combination of cancer therapy (hyperthermia with other therapies) holds tremendous potential for therapeutic improvement. Conventional methods of inducing hyperthermia are incapable of limiting a high-temperature increase at the tumor location while also preserving unexposed healthy tissues. Different materials available are not suitable for the combined application of hyperthermia and photothermal therapy (PTT). The use of carbonbased nanomaterials for cancer therapy has increased rapidly due to their ability to transport various anticancer drugs and to function as a photothermal agent. In this regard, the graphene family of 2D carbon nanomaterial graphene oxide (GO) and reduced graphene oxide (rGO) has emerged as a promising candidate for cancer PTT due to its excellent photothermal conversion in the near-infrared range, large specific surface area for drug loading, and scope for functionalization with functional groups/ molecules such as photosensitizers, siRNA, ligands, and so on with no cumulative toxicity. The availability of functional groups such as hydroxyls, epoxides, and carbonyls on GO groups, renders flexible modification leading to biocompatibility, facilitating it for an ideal drug delivery vector. In the present review, recent advances in combinational PTT providing synergistic benefits of multiple modalities are discussed.
Keywords: Graphene oxide, reduced graphene oxide, green reduction, nanomaterials, cancer, photothermal therapy.