Background: Hysterectomy is one of the factors that may affect women's body image and
self-esteem and lead to serious psychological complications.
Objective: The study aimed to compare self-esteem, body image, and depression in hysterectomized
and non-hysterectomized Iranian women.
Methods: In this cross-sectional comparative study, 140 women of the reproductive age, who have
undergone hysterectomy with benign causes, were compared in terms of self-esteem, body image, and
depression with 140 women receiving medical treatment due to abnormal bleeding in educational and
medical centers in Tabriz, Iran. Sampling was conducted by convenience method. Self-esteem was
assessed with the Rosenberg self-esteem questionnaire, body image was assessed with the multidimensional
body-self relations questionnaire, and depression was assessed with the Beck II
depression inventory. Data were analyzed by Pearson correlation test, independent t-test, chi-square
test, and general linear model.
Results: The mean (standard deviation) of the body image in hysterectomized and nonhysterectomized
women was 235.3 (28.5) and 250.1 (23.4) out of an achievable score of 69-395, respectively.
The mean (standard deviation) self-esteem score for hysterectomized women was 20.4
(4.8) and it was 24.2 (3.4) in non-hysterectomized women (out of an achievable score of 0-30). The
mean (standard deviation) depression score was 18.1 (9.7) and 5.5 (4.6) out of 0-63 in hysterectomized
and non-hysterectomized women, respectively. The differences in self-esteem, body image, and
depression variables were statistically significant in hysterectomized and non-hysterectomized women,
respectively (P<0.001).
Conclusion: According to the results of the present study, the body image and self-esteem in
hysterectomized women were low compared to non-hysterectomized women, while the level of
depression was high, and this difference was statistically significant.
Self-esteem, body image, depression, hysterectomy, women, reproductive system.
Graphical Abstract
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