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Author(s): Mohit B. Bhore*, Saddam Shaikh and Makkhan L. Meena

DOI: 10.2174/1872212118666230810094823

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Ergonomic Evaluation and Design of Workstation for Gemstone Polishing Workers

Article ID: e100823219618 Pages: 7

  • * (Excluding Mailing and Handling)


Background: Many researchers have stated that workers working in unorganized sectors are at risk of musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs), like back pain, wrist pain, pain in the neck and shoulders, etc. Ergonomic study of these workstations is necessary for the analysis of workrelated disorders.

Methods: In this study on MSDs among gemstone workers in Jaipur, Rajasthan; a modified Nordic questionnaire was employed. Further analysis was done using the 'Ergonomic Design and Analysis’ module of DELMIA. Rapid Upper Limb Assessment (RULA) analysis was used.

Results: The survey showed lower back pain among 81.25% of workers. Neck pain, hips or thigh pain, and ankle or feet pain were observed among nearly half of the surveyed workers, leading to further investigation. RULA analysis confirmed the results of the survey; the final RULA score came out to be 7. This score means investigation and changes are needed immediately. The workstation was designed using standard anthropometric data for the Indian population and modeled in CATIA. The modified workstation was analyzed using DELMIA, which has shown a RULA score of 3. The modified design can be patented under IPR.

Conclusion: The survey results and RULA analysis in DELMIA of gemstone polishing workers have shown that gemstone polishing is a highly risky profession. Musculoskeletal risk factors, like low back pain, neck pain, and wrist pain, have also been found to be present among the workers. The gemstone polishing workstation needs design interventions using Indian anthropometric data to reduce the risk of musculoskeletal disorders. RULA analysis of an anthropometrically modified workstation showed the modified workstation to be ergonomically fit.

Keywords: Ergonomics, musculoskeletal disorders, anthropometry, RULA, ergonomic design, gemstone working.

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