Recent Patents on Mechanical Engineering

Author(s): Vikas Vasanth Shetty, Kesana Balashanker, Arumuga Perumal Dharmaraj* and Vedant Umang Patel

DOI: 10.2174/2212797616666230803115517

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Analysis of Fluid Flows in Bounded Domain with Particular Shape of a Cavity using Lattice Boltzmann Method

Page: [359 - 372] Pages: 14

  • * (Excluding Mailing and Handling)


Background: The present work numerically models the incompressible, continuous phase, viscous flow of Newtonian fluid flow in a bounded domain of two-dimensional cavity that is driven by walls and contains grooves in the shape of squares on the lower wall. With the help of the mesoscopic lattice Boltzmann method (LBM) and D2Q9 square lattice model, simulation results are found stable and reliable. The flow physics of the problem by varying Reynolds number, the height and quantity of lower wall grooves, and other fluid flow characteristics within the bounded domain are studied in detail. It is seen that the effects of the groove heights and wavelengths on the fluid flow are structured within the bounded domain. The study is performed from low Re = 100 to high Re = 3200, with minimum two and maximum four-wavelength grooves evaluated on the bottom surface, each having a height of low 0.25 and high 0.75. Additionally, a thorough discussion of complicated vortex dynamics is provided regarding the input parameters and geometry.

Objective: The current study aims to use mesoscopic LBM to analyze incompressible viscous fluid flows on complex geometries other than rectangular shapes.

Methods: Mesoscopic approach of kinetic theory-based Lattice Boltzmann method (LBM) is implemented in the current work. The popular Single Relaxation Time Lattice Boltzmann method with D2Q9 square lattice model and second-order accurate boundary condition is adopted for the current study.

Results: The numerical approach of LBM is used to simulate fluid flows in a 2D bounded domain with grooved bottom surfaces. The influence of different factors, such as the height of bottom-wall surface grooves, flow Reynolds number, and wavelength of these grooves on flow patterns, is then investigated.

Conclusion: The numerical study of the bounded domain is considered, and the Reynolds number is varied from 100 to 3200, with two and four-wavelength grooves evaluated on the bottom surface, each having a height of 0.25 and 0.75. The impacts on the flow pattern both within and slightly above the grooves of the computational findings for different Reynolds numbers, groove heights, and groove wavelengths are evaluated. As the Reynolds number rises, the mixing phenomenon of fluid is shown to flow more quickly in the wall-driven enclosures.

Keywords: Lattice boltzmann method, lid driven cavity, grooved bottom, D2Q9 model, reynolds number, bounded domain.

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