Background: Regional changes in corticostriatal transmission induced by phasic dopaminergic signals are an essential feature of the neural network responsible for instrumental reinforcement during discovery of an action. However, the timing of signals that are thought to contribute to the induction of corticostriatal plasticity is difficult to reconcile within the framework of behavioural reinforcement learning, because the reinforcer is normally delayed relative to the selection and execution of causally-related actions.
Objective: While recent studies have started to address the relevance of delayed reinforcement signals and their impact on corticostriatal processing, our objective was to establish a model in which a sensory reinforcer triggers appropriately delayed reinforcement signals relayed to the striatum via intact neuronal pathways and to investigate the effects on corticostriatal plasticity.
Methods: We measured corticostriatal plasticity with electrophysiological recordings using a light flash as a natural sensory reinforcer, and pharmacological manipulations were applied in an in vivo anesthetized rat model preparation.
Results: We demonstrate that the spiking of striatal neurons evoked by single-pulse stimulation of the motor cortex can be potentiated by a natural sensory reinforcer, operating through intact afferent pathways, with signal timing approximating that required for behavioural reinforcement. The pharmacological blockade of dopamine receptors attenuated the observed potentiation of corticostriatal neurotransmission.
Conclusion: This novel in vivo model of corticostriatal plasticity offers a behaviourally relevant framework to address the physiological, anatomical, cellular, and molecular bases of instrumental reinforcement learning.
Keywords: Corticostriatal, plasticity, timing, dopamine, sensory, reinforcement.