Recent Advances in Electrical & Electronic Engineering

Author(s): Ping He*, Lei Yun, Jiale Fan, Xiaopeng Wu, Zhiwen Pan and Mingyang Wang

DOI: 10.2174/2352096516666230712102828

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Coordination of PSS and Multiple FACTS-POD to Improve Stability and Operation Economy of Wind-thermal-bundled Power System

Page: [373 - 387] Pages: 15

  • * (Excluding Mailing and Handling)


Aims and Background: Focusing on the low-frequency oscillation and system power loss problem in wind-thermal-bundled (WTB) transmission systems and the interaction problem due to different controllers, this study aimed to improve the low-frequency oscillation characteristics of WTB transmission system while ensuring the economy of operation and suppressing the adverse interaction between controllers.

Methods: For this purpose, a coordination and optimization strategy for a power system stabilizer (PSS), static synchronous series compensator with additional power oscillation damping controller (SSSC-POD), and static synchronous compensator with additional power oscillation damping controller (STATCOM-POD) is proposed based on multi-objective salp swarm algorithm (MSSA). The controller regulation characteristics are taken into account in the coordination method.

Results: Several designed scenarios, including changing the transmission power of the tie line and increasing wind power output, are considered in the IEEE 4-machine 2-area to test the proposed method. The power flow analysis, characteristic root analysis, and time-domain simulation are used to analyze the simulation results.

Conclusion: Simulation results demonstrate that the proposed approach can effectively suppress the low-frequency oscillation of the WTB system while reducing its net loss. The application in engineering issues for MSSA is supplemented.

Keywords: SSSC-POD, STATCOM-POD, PSS, low-frequency oscillation, WTB, operation economy.

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