Current Pediatric Reviews

Author(s): Kam Lun Hon*, Alexander K.C. Leung, James W.C.H. Cheng, David C.K. Luk, Agnes S.Y. Leung and Mark J.A. Koh

DOI: 10.2174/1573396320666230626122135

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Allergic Contact Dermatitis in Pediatric Practice

Page: [478 - 488] Pages: 11

  • * (Excluding Mailing and Handling)


Background: Allergic contact dermatitis (ACD) is prevalent among pediatric population, adolescent and young adults. Patients with ACD experience a lot of sociopsychological and qualityof- life (QoL) difficulties. Children and their caregivers alike are vulnerable to the burden of ACD.

Objectives: We have, in this paper, provided an overview of ACD and discussed common and unusual causes of ACD.

Methods: We performed an up-to-date literature review in the English language on “allergic contact dermatitis” via PubMed Clinical Queries, using the keywords “allergic contact dermatitis” in August 2022. The search included meta-analyses, randomized controlled trials, clinical trials, casecontrol studies, cohort studies, observational studies, clinical guidelines, case series, case reports, and reviews. The search was restricted to English literature and children.

Results: ACD may be acute or chronic and it affects more than 20% of children and adults with significant quality-of-life impairments. ACD is manifested by varying degrees of cutaneous edema, vesiculation, and erythema. The hypersensitivity reaction is one of the most prevalent forms of immunotoxicity in humans. Localized acute ACD lesions can be managed with high-potency topical steroids; if ACD is severe or extensive, systemic corticosteroid therapy is often required to provide relief within 24 hours. In patients with more severe dermatitis, oral prednisone should be tapered over 2-3 weeks. Rapid discontinuation of corticosteroids can result in rebound dermatitis. Patch testing should be performed if treatment fails and the specific allergen or diagnosis remains unknown.

Conclusion: ACD is common and can be a physically, psychologically, and economically burdensome disease. Diagnosis of ACD is primarily based on history (exposure to an allergen) and physical examination (morphology and location of the eruption). Skin patch test can help determine the causative allergen. Allergen avoidance is the cornerstone of management. Topical mid- or highpotency corticosteroids are the mainstay of treatment for lesions on less than 20% of the body area. Severe cases of ACD may require treatment with systemic corticosteroids.

Keywords: Allergen, allergic contact dermatitis, type IV delayed hypersensitivity, life quality, patch test, burdensome disease.

American Academy of Allergy, Asthma, and Immunology. Skin Allergy Symptoms, Diagnosis, Treatment & Management. 2020. Available From:
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