Recent Advances in Computer Science and Communications

Author(s): Balraj Singh*, Harsh K Verma and Vishu Madaan

DOI: 10.2174/2666255816666230608165146

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Performance Challenges and Solutions in Big Data Platform Hadoop

Article ID: e080623217824 Pages: 15

  • * (Excluding Mailing and Handling)


Background: The present era demands continuous support to bring improvements in executing complex analytics on large-scale data and to work beyond traditional systems.

Objective: The need for processing diverse data types and solutions for different domains of the industry is rising. Such needs increase the requirement for sophisticated techniques and methods to enhance the existing platforms and mechanisms further. It provides an opportunity for the research community to investigate further into the existing systems, find potential issues, and propose new ways to improve the current systems. Hadoop is a popular choice to manage and process Big data. It is an open-source platform and a front-runner in the batch processing of large-scale jobs. The economy associated with the cluster in scaling is low as compared to other platforms. However, this popularity by no means guarantees high performance in all scenarios. With the continuous evolution in data development and industrial requirements, it is imperative to investigate and look into new methods and techniques to bring advancements to the existing system.

Method: A systematic review is represented in this paper to have an insight into the current progress in this field. Research publications from various sources are taken and analyzed. The performance of a cluster largely depends upon the different job processing mechanisms and policies associated with it.

Conclusion: While extensive studies and solutions are proposed, the performance bottlenecks in terms of load balancing, resource utilization, content management, and efficient processing prevail. Not many of the solutions are there on scheduling about the trade-off between different parameters, the process of content splitting and merging is not explored to a large extent and the skew mitigation solutions are more focused on Reduce side of the MapReduce while the Map side is not utilized much for load balancing.

Keywords: Hadoop, scheduling, load balancing, skew, performance, big data.

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