Secrecy Performance Review for IoT-based Cognitive Farming System

Article ID: e260523217392 Pages: 10

  • * (Excluding Mailing and Handling)


Smart farm management has complex challenges; therefore, there is a need to improve the overall adaptability, profitability, and environmental soundness of the farming systems. Agricultural production can be enhanced with the help of IoT-based cognitive tools. The rapid increase in IoT-based smart systems has raised critical concerns about efficiently utilizing the wireless spectrum. To drastically bring the improvement in the utilization of the wireless spectrum, cognitive radio (CR) has emerged as an effective solution. The inherent openness and broadcast nature of the wireless medium have given rise to many security issues in cooperative networks. Informationtheoretic security or physical layer security (PLS) is evolved as an efficacious wireless prototype for reliable transmissions to avert the eavesdropper from expropriating transmittal data on the wireless connections. Security is the key factor in these networks as they are exposed and active in behavior, thus, are susceptible to fraudulent activities. In this patent study, we investigated the performance of the CR system in terms of secrecy and also examined the system in terms of diversity receipt and selection of relay. The secrecy outcome of channel state information at the sender was also studied. The detrimental effects of fading in cooperative networks were also extensively discussed. Cooperative diversity was examined by deploying MRC and SC strategies at receptors. It has been deduced that CSI knowledge at the sender also has an eloquent concussion on the secrecy of the cognitive system.

Graphical Abstract

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