Introduction: Medicinal plants are essential in the treatment of a wide range of illnesses.
Dolichos lablab, also known as Hyacinth Bean, is a popular legume crop in India that is rich in natural
bioactive compounds. In recognition of its importance in many skin therapies, a hydrogel was prepared.
The primary goal of topical formulations is to provide drug contact with the skin while reducing
overall absorption. The aim of this study was to evaluate the healing effect of Dolichos lablab extract
hydrogel on full-thickness wounds in rats.
Method: Wounds were created on the dorsal surface of Male Albino Wistar rats. Next, the animals
were divided into four groups (n = 12). Each group was treated with 200 mg of the allotted topical
treatment of blank gel, Dolichos hydrogel and marketed betadine gel. The treatments were applied
immediately after the injury and twice daily for up to 14 days. Animals were euthanized on day 14 and
some parameters were analyzed such as wound closure rate, Inflammatory cytokines level, oxidative
stress profile, collagen hydroxyproline and hexosamine concentration, macroscopic and histopathological
Results: The findings indicate that Dolichos lablab extract has potent wound healing ability, as evidenced
by improved wound closure and tissue regeneration, as well as histopathological parameters.
Dolichos hydrogel increased the skin's hydroxyproline level, antioxidant potential, wound contraction,
and anti-inflammatory activity by modulating the production of the cytokines TNF-α, IL-1β, and IL-6.
This affirms the potency of the wound-healing properties of Dolichos lablab extract.
Conclusion: Dolichos lablab hydrogel is a low-cost herbal medicine which can aid in tissue repair.
Dolichos lablab, hydrogel, excisional wound, cytokines, hydroxyproline, rats.
Graphical Abstract
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