Recent Advances in Computer Science and Communications

Author(s): Akruti Sinha, Devika Sapra, Deepak Sinwar*, Vijander Singh and Ghanshyam Raghuwanshi

DOI: 10.2174/2666255816666230523114425

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Assessing and Mitigating Bias in Artificial Intelligence: A Review

Article ID: e230523217242 Pages: 10

  • * (Excluding Mailing and Handling)


There has been an exponential increase in discussions about bias in Artificial Intelligence (AI) systems. Bias in AI has typically been defined as a divergence from standard statistical patterns in the output of an AI model, which could be due to a biased dataset or biased assumptions. While the bias in artificially taught models is attributed able to bias in the dataset provided by humans, there is still room for advancement in terms of bias mitigation in AI models. The failure to detect bias in datasets or models stems from the "black box" problem or a lack of understanding of algorithmic outcomes. This paper provides a comprehensive review of the analysis of the approaches provided by researchers and scholars to mitigate AI bias and investigate the several methods of employing a responsible AI model for decision-making processes. We clarify what bias means to different people, as well as provide the actual definition of bias in AI systems. In addition, the paper discussed the causes of bias in AI systems thereby permitting researchers to focus their efforts on minimising the causes and mitigating bias. Finally, we recommend the best direction for future research to ensure the discovery of the most accurate method for reducing bias in algorithms. We hope that this study will help researchers to think from different perspectives while developing unbiased systems.

Keywords: Bias, artificial intelligence, mitigation, eradication, combined error variance, neural network.

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