Background: Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is a viral respiratory disease that is associated with severe damage to other human organs. It causes by a novel coronavirus, and it is spreading all over the world. To date, there is some approved vaccine or therapeutic agent which could be effective against this disease. But their effectiveness against mutated strains is not studied completely. The spike glycoprotein on the surface of the coronaviruses gives the virus the ability to bind to host cell receptors and enter cells. Inhibition of attachment of these spikes can lead to virus neutralization by inhibiting viral entrance.
Aims: In this study, we tried to use the virus entrance strategy against itself by utilizing virus receptor (ACE-2) in order to design an engineered protein consisting of a human Fc antibody fragment and a part of ACE-2, which reacts with virus RBD, and we also evaluated this interaction by computational methods and in silico methods. Subsequently, we have designed a new protein structure to bind with this site and inhibit the virus from attaching to its cell receptor, mechanically or chemically.
Methods: Various in silico software, bioinformatics, and patent databases were used to retrieve the requested gene and protein sequences. The physicochemical properties and possibility of allergenicity were also examined. Three-dimensional structure prediction and molecular docking were also performed to develop the most suitable therapeutic protein.
Results: The designed protein consisted of a total of 256 amino acids with a molecular weight of 28984.62 and 5.92 as a theoretical isoelectric point. Instability and aliphatic index and grand average of hydropathicity are 49.99, 69.57 and -0.594, respectively.
Conclusions: In silico studies can provide a good opportunity to study viral proteins and new drugs or compounds since they do not need direct exposure to infectious agents or equipped laboratories. The suggested therapeutic agent should be further characterized in vitro and in vivo.
Keywords: Bioinformatics, COVID-19, receptor binding domain, spike protein, therapeutic agent, amino acids.