Plant breeding has made a significant contribution to increasing agricultural production. Conventional breeding based on phenotypic selection is not effective for crop improvement. Because phenotype is considerably influenced by environmental factors, which will affect the selection of breeding materials for crop improvement. The past two decades have seen tremendous progress in plant breeding research. Especially the availability of high-throughput molecular markers followed by genomic-assisted approaches significantly contributed to advancing plant breeding. Integration of speed breeding with genomic and phenomic facilities allowed rapid quantitative trait loci (QTL)/gene identifications and ultimately accelerated crop improvement programs. The advances in sequencing technology helps to understand the genome organization of many crops and helped with genomic selection in crop breeding. Plant breeding has gradually changed from phenotype-to-genotype-based to genotype-to-phenotype-based selection. High-throughput phenomic platforms have played a significant role in the modern breeding program and are considered an essential part of precision breeding. In this review, we discuss the rapid advance in plant breeding technology for efficient crop improvements and provide details on various approaches/platforms that are helpful for crop improvement. This review will help researchers understand the recent developments in crop breeding and improvements.
Keywords: Crop improvement, plant breeding, conventional breeding, QTL, NGS, GS.