Current Nanoscience

Author(s): Subramanian Vimala Gayathri and Durairaj Subbulekshmi*

DOI: 10.2174/1573413719666230511145554

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An Extensive Review of MR Sensors with Design and Characteristic Evaluation of Three-layered TMR Sensor

Page: [447 - 458] Pages: 12

  • * (Excluding Mailing and Handling)


The reliability and efficacy of sensor-based automated systems have improved due to the proliferation of electric vehicles, renewable sources, and integrated systems in power industries extensively. This has been accomplished by increasing the power density and decreasing the volume of the system.

Background: Mathematical estimation and comparative analysis of the physical factors result in massive usage of operational matrices measured using sensors. Magnetic field sensors, used in industries and biomedical applications, have a high level of precision in the evaluation of measurements. In order to extract the measured parameters such as sensitivity, accuracy, operating cost, the linear range of operation, and power utilisation, these sensors adhere to the physical constraints during their nominal working conditions. The characteristics of the aforementioned sensors are enumerated in detail in this article.

Objective: This objective is highly focused on providing a comprehensive overview of classification and the properties of Hall-Effect, anisotropic magnetoresistive (AMR), giant magnetoresistive (GMR), and tunnelling magnetoresistive (TMR) sensors. The dissertation on its properties concludes that TMR is more reliable and sensitive in variable operating conditions.

Methods: The methods for selecting the sensors for an application are confined to voltage fluctuations and sensitivity. A three-layered TMR sensor with two magnetic layers and an insulator in between is proposed as a significant advancement compared to the literature. The micromagnetic simulation is carried out at room temperature for a three-layered TMR made up of neodymium alloy, magnesium oxide, and cobalt platinum alloy.

Conclusion: Based on the studies executed, it is determined that TMR is more sensitive than both conventional and MR sensors. The proposed schematic claims that the higher free layer thickness offers maximum sensitivity with 77% negative magnetoresistance. The reduced coercivity of 1.9Oe is achieved in this combination at a specified temperature range.

Keywords: Magnetic field sensors, industrial and biomedical applications, Anisotropic Magneto Resistive (AMR), Giant magnetoresistance (GMR), Tunnelling magnetoresistance sensors (TMR), Hall Effect sensors, negative magnetoresistance.

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