Puberty refers to physical transitions that occur in the body of adolescents, taking them
from a stage of sexual immaturity to sexual maturity. Nowadays, it is being observed that more and
more girls are attaining menarche at an age less than ten years, so the age of onset of Puberty being
somewhere around 7.5 to 8 years. The reasons and implications are manifold. Early age of onset of
puberty is a risk factor for ovarian and breast malignancies and also for a number of chronic diseases.
The present article expresses author’s opinion regarding the issue on the basis of recent literature and
tries to highlight the reasons responsible for this, especially in the current scenario and discusses modifiable
factors so that the process can be halted.
Puberty, physical transitions, adolescents, body, palaeolithic and neolithic, psychosocial.
Graphical Abstract
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