Background: Agave brittoniana subsp. brachypus is an endemic plant of Cuba, which contains different steroidal sapogenins with anti-inflammatory effects. This work aims to develop computational models which allow the identification of new chemical compounds with potential anti-inflammatory activity.
Methods: The in vivo anti-inflammatory activity was evaluated in two rat models: carrageenaninduced paw edema and cotton pellet-induced granuloma. In each study, we used 30 Sprague Dawley male rats divided into five groups containing six animals. The products isolated and administrated were fraction rich in yuccagenin and sapogenins crude.
Results: The obtained model, based on a classification tree, showed an accuracy value of 86.97% for the training set. Seven compounds (saponins and sapogenins) were identified as potential antiinflammatory agents in the virtual screening. According to in vivo studies, the yuccagenin-rich fraction was the greater inhibitor of the evaluated product from Agave.
Conclusion: The evaluated metabolites of the Agave brittoniana subsp. Brachypus showed an interesting anti-inflammatory effect.
Keywords: Anti-inflammatory activity, in silico, in vivo study, sapogenin, granuloma, computational models.