Artificial Intelligence: An Emerging Intellectual Sword for Battling Carcinomas

Page: [1784 - 1794] Pages: 11

  • * (Excluding Mailing and Handling)


Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a branch of computer science that deals with mathematical algorithms to mimic the abilities and intellectual work performed by the human brain. Nowadays, AI is being effectively utilized in addressing difficult healthcare challenges, including complex biological abnormalities, diagnosis, treatment, and clinical prognosis of various life-threatening diseases, like cancer. Deep neural networking (DNN), a subset of AI, is prominently being applied in clinical research programs on cancer. AI acts as a promising tool in radiotherapy, mammography, imaging, cancer prognosis, cancer genomics and molecular signaling, pathology, drug discovery, chemotherapy, immunotherapy, and clinical decision support system. This article provides an elaborative view concerning the application of AI in cancer, an explorative review that how AI has been used as a trenchant tool in the past, present and future of cancer. This review article provides a new prospective that how the mimic of human intellectual (AI technology) has put forward an unprecedented accuracy in the field of clinical research of cancer.

Graphical Abstract

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