Current Traditional Medicine

Author(s): Partha Sarathi Singha, Ramkrishna Ghosh, Syed Benazir Firdaus and Debosree Ghosh*

DOI: 10.2174/2215083810666230330151402

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Effects of Biofertilizers in Improving the Growth and Development of the Traditional Medicinal Plant Aloe vera L. (Aloe barbadensis Miller)

Article ID: e300323215249 Pages: 12

  • * (Excluding Mailing and Handling)


Aloe vera L. (Aloe barbadensis Miller) is a very common water deficit-resistant plant which has immense medicinal properties. It is a fleshy plant belonging to the Liliaceae family. Aloe barbadensis has enormous medicinal value. According to historical records, it has been used in folk and traditional medicine in different parts and regions of the world for ages. Aloe vera is widely used in Ayurvedacharya and Unani medicine. The plant is a rich source of potent medicinal phytocomponents, each with pronounced medicinal properties. Primarily, Aloe gel is considered one of Mother Nature’s magical formulations for treating and curing various health ailments, including skin diseases, hair fall, indigestion, inflammation, and many others. Studies revealed that the use of biofertilizers significantly improves the growth and development of the Aloe plant. The quality and quantity of the constituents of Aloe vera gel are also reported to improve significantly with the use of biofertilizers. Biofertilizers, when used alone or in combination, are reported to influence the length, width, biomass, and phytoconstituents of the leaves of the plant. Biofertilizers, which are environment friendly and more effective on Aloe, can thus be considered a better substitute for other fertilizers for boosting the qualitative and quantitative yield of the magical medicinal plant, Aloe barbadensis.

Keywords: Aloe barbadensis Miller, ayurvedacharya, biofertilizers, phytocomponents, Unani, traditional medicine.

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