Background: With age, there is a tendency for the health of law enforcement officers to deteriorate. This especially applies to instructor officers, whose professional activity is characterized by a significant decrease in the volume of motor activity, overloading of the intellectual sphere, and high neuro-emotional stress.
Objective: The aim of the research is to investigate the influence of recreational and healthpromoting training sessions with physical exercise on the health, physical development, and functional status of instructor officers of older age groups.
Methods: 62 instructor officers (aged 40-45) of various academic disciplines took part in the research. The instructors of the experimental group (EG, n = 30) were engaged in physical exercises in accordance with the authors’ program of recreational and health-promoting training sessions; the instructors of the control group (CG, n = 32) attended the training sessions according to the existing physical training program.
Results: It was found that at the end of the experiment, the studied indicators of the EG instructor officers were significantly better than those of the CG ones, according to the indicators of body weight, Quetelet index, the vital capacity of lungs, vital index, strength index, heart rate, arterial blood pressure, Robinson index, and level of physical health.
Conclusion: It was established that systematic recreational and health-promoting training sessions have a positive effect on the health level of the instructor officers of older age groups. This will allow them to carry out instructional activities at a high professional level and ensure resistance to adverse factors of professional activities.
Keywords: Health, physical development, functional status, physical exercise, instructor officers of older age groups, law enforcement.