Introduction: Candidiasis is a disease with serious problems in women. With the increasing
drug resistance and risks of the drugs, we investigated the effect of different cone extracts of Pinus
eldarica and Pinus longifolia against Candida species isolated from vulvovaginal candidiasis patients.
Materials and Methods: Candida species isolated from 50 patients were identified by routine
mycological methods, including morphology of corn mil agar, chromium agar, germination, and
biochemical methods. The anti-candida properties of the extracts and essential oils of Pinus eldarica
and Pinus longifolia were investigated using agar diffusion and microdilution test. The essential oil
was then analyzed by Gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS).
Results: The major constituents of Pinus longifolia essential oil included 23.16% alpha-pinene, 2.59%
beta-caryophyllene, 23.61% delta-3-carene, 0.24% carcin-4-hydroxy, 13.56% m-cymene, 0.45%
alpha-humulene, and 2.12% junipene. The major constituents of Pinus eldarica essential oil included
29.13% alpha-pinene, 14.22% beta-caryophyllene, 11.70% delta-3-carene, -14.22% carcin-4-hydroxy,
4.29% beta-pinene, 3.59%, alpha humulene, and 8.86% junipene. The results of antifungal tests
showed that aqueous, ethanolic, and methanolic extracts had a weak anti-candida effect. By changing
the solvent and using petroleum ether solvent, it was found that petroleum ether extract and cone
essential oil of Pinus longifolia and Pinus eldarica exhibited a relatively strong anti-candida effect.
Discussion and Conclusion: Comparison of Minimum Inhibitory Concentration (MIC) and Minimum
Fungicidal Concentration (MFC) of four extracts of Pinus longifolia and Pinus eldarica against
different Candida showed that the lowest MIC and MFC were related to essential oil, petroleum ether
extract, methanolic extract, ethanolic extract, and aqueous extract, respectively.
Pinus longifolia, Pinus eldarica, essential oil, fruit extracts, antifungal, vulvovaginal candidiasis.
Graphical Abstract
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