Current Traditional Medicine

Author(s): Kalyani Pathak*, Manash Pratim Pathak, Riya Saikia, Urvashee Gogoi, Jon Jyoti Sahariah, Aparoop Das, Mohammad Zaki Ahmad, Tirna Paul, Jyotirmoy Das and Saif Aboud M. Alqahtani

DOI: 10.2174/2215083809666230210105442

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Cardioprotective Activities of some Indian Spices: An Insight into Pharmacology and Phytochemical Investigation

Article ID: e100223213570 Pages: 15

  • * (Excluding Mailing and Handling)


Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is the leading cause of death globally, and coronary heart disease (CHD) is the most prominent one among the spectrum of CVD. Conventional CHD drugs pose an increased risk of pharmaceutical interactions. Moreover, the possibility of tainting or substituting other medications also raises concerns. Diet and lifestyle play an important role in preventing and treating heart disease, and certain spices and supplements can help reduce the risk of heart disease and treat it. Spices have been an important part of Indian culture from the dawn of time, valued for both their culinary and medicinal virtues. Indian spices and their bioactive phytoconstituents are reported to play an ameliorating role in treating CHD. Despite the fact that the majority of these spices have an effect on organic components associated with the cardiovascular system, data on their therapeutic effects is sparse. To make the most of the enormous potential of these spices, multidisciplinary research is the need of the hour to establish them as remedies for CVDs. We endeavour to document some ethnopharmacological studies aimed to establish the cellular and molecular cardio-protective mechanisms of the spices and their bioactive phytoconstituents using recently reported in vitro and in vivo studies. Finally, we reviewed and reported the results of the recent clinical trials that have been conducted using these spices with special emphasis on their efficacy, safety, and toxicity.

Keywords: Indian spices, cardiovascular diseases, congestive heart failure, coronary heart disease, clinical trial, BP.

Graphical Abstract

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