Current Medical Imaging

Author(s): Wei Wei, Wuning Zhong, Wei Kang, Xin Zhao, XianLin Yi* and DanKe Su*

DOI: 10.2174/1573405619666230123155411

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Reference Range of CT Value in NC-CBBCT Based on Female Breast Structure

Article ID: e230123213055 Pages: 10

  • * (Excluding Mailing and Handling)


Background: As a new high-resolution three-dimensional CT imaging technology, the essential reference range of CT values in Cone-beam breast computed tomography (CBBCT) has not been established to date.

Purpose: To determine the reference range of computed tomography (CT) values in CBBCT for clinical breast examination.

Materials and Methods: In total, 913 cases (1167 lateral) were subject to CBBCT. CT values of the glandular tissue, fat and different quadrants and different distances of CBBCT images were analyzed. The nipple and muscle were also evaluated.

Results: A total of 672 lateral breasts were included in the normal group for investigation. The reference range of the absolute CT value of the chest wall muscle is -136.68~43.36 HU. The reference range of the absolute CT value of the nipple is 176.39~334.02 HU. The reference range of the absolute CT value of fat is -190.4~-63.67HU, and of glandular tissue is -12.2~199.07HU.

Conclusion: Our results firstly established the baseline CT values of Non-contrast CBBCT in female breasts, which will benefit cancer screening and lesion locating. The closer the normal breast fat and glandular tissue is to the nipple, the greater the CT value. The older the age, the lower the density. The CT values of fat are unstable in a distance of less than 5 cm, and the CT values of glandular tissues are relatively stable. The difference between the upper and lower quadrants is significant in the same lateral breast and the same section.

Keywords: Reference range, non-contrast, cone-beam breast computed tomography, computed tomography, breast, gland.

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