Current Pharmaceutical Biotechnology

Author(s): Somya Ranjan Dash and Chanakya Nath Kundu*

DOI: 10.2174/1389201024666230123150856

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Cancer-induced Pain Management by Nanotechnology-based Approach

Page: [1365 - 1375] Pages: 11

  • * (Excluding Mailing and Handling)


Cancer patients frequently report experiencing pain as one of their symptoms. Cancerrelated pain is often caused by the tumor itself, especially when the tumor is pressing on nerves. In addition to the pain caused by the tumor itself, patients also experience discomfort from the treatment, such as surgery, chemotherapy, radiation therapy, and the diagnostic procedures. The majority of today's pain therapies rely on opioid analgesics, which have not been shown to be effective. The adverse effects of opioids and their addictive properties call for the development of innovative treatment techniques. Nanotechnology offers answers to the issues raised above, which are related to the utilization of more conventional modes of therapy. These nanotechnology-based nanotherapeutics reduce the systemic toxicity, offering outstanding selectiveness and prolonged release of the analgesic drugs at the target site. Thus, these reduce cancer-induced pain in the patients. In this article, we will explain the mechanism behind the most common types of pain that are caused by cancer, including neuropathic, somatic, and visceral pain. In addition, a comprehensive discussion is held on the use of various nanotherapeutics as analgesic drug carriers, as well as on their impacts and the potential opportunities that lie ahead in the field of cancer pain treatment.

Keywords: Cancer-induced pain, analgesic drug, side effects, nanotherapeutics, sustained release, pain management.

Graphical Abstract

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